Above: Pres Phill & Secretary Alfie inspecting the new wing at Latrobe Regional Hospital
Last week’s run at Railway Reserve saw a great response, with nearly 70 runners turning up, despite the rain and the public holiday long weekend. The spread of share plates, the drinks and the general humour and conversation was again fantastic to see, and yet another display of how strong the club is, how many social connections people have, and the value members place on running and the associated friendships.
There’s a stack of work going on with the organisation of the 26th Latrobe Community Fun Run (Sunday March 24th at Kernot Hall). Race Directors Trent Kooyman and Clinton Jolly are doing a great job. Entry is now open via Harriers website. We ask all members to support the event, by promoting, entering early, and if you have any contacts for spot prizes, please let Trent know. We’ll have fliers for all members to distribute. We’re also looking for a team to do some promotions at schools, sports clubs and businesses, to build the team entries. None of these jobs are difficult, just take a little time, and they help to share the load and ensure the club runs a fantastic event.
The club’s 4th Annual Trivia Night is on in 2 weeks, Thursday 15th Feb at De Grandi’s Winery. Friends and guests are welcome. The winery is putting a special limited menu for us for the night. All entree and main meals will be $28 (yes, that’s $28 and you get an entree and a main meal), with dessert an extra $10. Lock in the date, start getting your team together and get ready for another great social night, after a run of course.
Club Committee members, don’t forget, first meeting for the year next week after the run.
Reminder; we encouraging (suggesting, not demanding or enforcing) runners to try and start with their allocated group at Thursday runs. This creates a great race-like atmosphere, and means that runners across all groups finish around the same time. That’s the main reason we have a handicap system, to see groups of similar ability runners take off together, to encourage everyone to do their best, and also hopefully have some safety in numbers, especially for newer members who may not know the courses.
Of course there always reasons and exceptions why someone might not run with their group, and this is absolutely acceptable. If you’re injured, returning from injury, recovering from a big run, have been ill, or just need to get away early but still want to do the Thursday course, it is fine to run in an earlier group, or even a few minutes before your handicap group.
*IMPORTANT Harriers Dates
8 Feb Committee Meeting
15 Feb 2024 Trivia Night DeGrandi’s Vineyard
24 March 2024 26th Community Fun Run Morwell
2 June 2024 57th Traralgon Marathon
Remember to get your articles into the newsletter about your running adventures. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]
Thought for the week: Strong people make time to help others, even when they’re struggling with their own problems.
Phill Mayer – President