This week is the Harriers Legendary X’mas Bash!
There will be activity stations conducted by committee members, a bit of running in between, followed by a big club photo, food, drinks, awards presentations, a DJ and celebrations with fellow Harriers.
Thank you to the majority who RSVP’d in a timely manner. There is a lot of effort and time in the planning of an event this size, so huge thanks in advance to all those who generously donated their time to make it happen.
Remember, current financial members are free, guests (non-financial members) are $20, payable, preferable in cash, to Treasurer Ann Bomers on the night.
A few notes to make the night run smoothly ..
*Take note of the Teams and Team Captains for the Xmas Bash Challenge in this NL.
*We’ll want everyone to get into their teams by around 5:55 so we can get started. Team Captains gather your team members. Try and arrive by 5:45.
*There will be 10 Stations and each team must get through each one. Only 1 team at each station at a time. Between each station teams do a run across the oval (this will reduce congestion and everyone will get a bit of a run in). Station Leaders will be scoring each team, with scores tallied to determine the winning team at the end. There’s also a Team Spirit Award.
*We’ll take a big Harriers group photo after the challenge is finished, then we’ll get into food, drinks, and presentations will be around 8pm. Then the DJ will crank it up.
*Please everyone remember to wear your Harriers Xmas tops. If you don’t have one (financial members are gifted one), we’ll have them there on the night.
Our Xmas Lights run is next week. Organised and led by club member Alysha Duncan, everyone is welcome to come and get in the spirit of the festive season. Meet at the Netball Courts on Breed Street Traralgon at 8:15pm, and the run will leave around 8:30. Friends and guests are welcome. Dress in your best Xmas outfit. It’s pretty casual, not a fast pace, so it caters to all.
Congratulations to club young gun Miles Verschuur who achieved an ATAR score of 90+, putting him in the top 10% for VCE results in the state.
Congratulations to Molly Irvine for her 4th place in the 2XU Triathlon Series last weekend, and to Dempsey Podmore who won his age group at the same event, in only his second ever Tri.
This has been an amazing year of individual results for club members, with so many achieving PBs, or participating in events across the country for the first time. Remember to share your adventures by writing a report for the NL. Other members love reading about the individual achievements of our friends and fellow club members. You never know who you’re inspiring and motivating.
Last week there was an incident where a member’s dog bit another member, and there have been a few recent incidents where member’s dogs have been off-leads and have obstructed other members.
The last thing I would personally like to do is ban dogs from coming to Harriers. Dogs are family to many people, and they add to the enjoyment of running. It’s also a great opportunity to exercise the pooch.
Members must take responsibility for their furry friends. We’ve got a few clear rules around dogs, and a policy that we ask all members to adhere to. They must be on short leads, under owner’s control, they can’t obstruct other runners, and dogs attend Harriers at the responsibility of their owners. Dogs which have a capacity, potential, history or propensity to bite people should obviously not attend.
Many years ago, there was a strict no-dog policy, but times change, and we want to make sure Harriers is safe, fun and inclusive for all members. This includes those with and without pooches. I make no secret that my dog is family, and I love seeing my friends and their fur friends on a Thursday, but I don’t want my big boofhead (or anyone else’s) biting, scaring or annoying others. Please, just be considerate.
Also, we’re encouraging (suggesting, not demanding or enforcing) all runners to try and start and run with their allocated group at Thursday runs. This creates a great race-like atmosphere, and means that runners across all groups finish around the same time. That’s the main reason we have a handicap system, to see groups of similar ability runners take off together, to encourage everyone to do their best, and also hopefully have some safety in numbers, especially for newer members who may not know the courses.
Of course there always reasons and exceptions why someone might not run with their group, and this is absolutely acceptable. If you’re injured, returning from injury, recovering from a big run, have been ill, or just need to get away early but still want to do the Thursday course, it is fine to run in an earlier group, or even a few minutes before your handicap group.
First run next year (Jan 11th) is the Kay Street Traralgon – Morwell Path to Airfield Road 5k. Start and finish at the Lutheran Church, opposite Swallow Grove on Old Melbourne Road (top end of Kay Street). Parking in the church carpark and surrounds. Duty: Owen & Nicholas T. CM: Liz Kenny.
The Traralgon Marathon 2024 still needs a Race Director. If you’re interested, please speak to me. You will be supported to ensure the club runs a fantastic event. We need to start some planning soon.
*IMPORTANT Harriers Dates
14 Dec Harriers X’Mas Bash (At the clubrooms - RSVP required- TONIGHT)
28 Dec & 4 Jan X’Mas Break - No Harriers Thursday Runs
15 Feb 2024 Trivia Night DeGrandi’s Vineyard
24 March 2024 Community Fun Run Morwell
Remember to get your articles into the newsletter about your running adventures. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]
Thought for the week: Have a wonderful, fun and safe festive season! Enjoy time with friends and family, try not to get too sucked into the commercial aspect of it all, and focus on creating great moments with those you care about!
Thanks to all members for making 2023 such an amazing year for the club! Enjoy the break and see you in 2024!
Phill Mayer – President