Above: Marieka Rielly, Kate Mayer and Molly Irvine did an amazing job organising the recent International Women’s Day run.
Hopefully we’ve seen the last of the extreme heat, but it is forecast to be a warm March, so please everyone be sun-smart, make sure you’re hydrated and only participate if you feel comfortable and capable.
Last week’s run to acknowledge International Women’s Day was greatly supported and embraced by club members, with a majority turning up in various combinations of purple. All members should be proud of this club, which supports equality, equity and inclusion. We’re constantly working to increase awareness in our community for important social issues.
IWD is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It’s a call to action for accelerating gender parity, and an acknowledgement of how far we’ve come, but also of how much work there is still to do. Gender equality benefits everyone.
Traralgon Harriers is first and foremost a running club, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stand up and acknowledge things which affect our community, and try to do our bit to change aspects within our sphere, to make the world a better place.
Thank you to Kate Mayer, Molly Irvine and Marieka Reilly for organising the event, and for shining a positive light on the empowerment and betterment of conditions for women in our community. I strongly believe that we have such a wonderfully inclusive, socially aware and proactive membership in the Harriers, and that these sorts of events are about showing the outside community what we stand for, and that we’re a leader when it comes to genuine inclusiveness.
As mentioned previously, we recently did an audit with Gippsport to assess our engagement of women in the club, and as was hoped and expected, we came out with flying colours. It is really important to continue to develop our engagement and inclusion processes, and this is an ongoing mission. Raising awareness in the community for all the issues involving half our population, is essential.
This coming weekend is Run for the Kids in Melbourne, and I know a stack of Harriers members are participating in this huge event, which shuts down part of the city. Obviously the main focus is raising funds for the Good Friday Appeal for the Royal Children’s Hospital, but it’s also a great way to spend some time with family and friends, have a run around the city, and see Melbourne from a different perspective.
It’s always fantastic to see the Harriers singlets represented out there, and makes it easier to locate people and pick them out from the massive crowds, so if you’re running, consider wearing your Harriers colours.
The up-coming Run Tarra Bulga is on 13th April, and our friends at Ultra Endurance have setup a VIP code for Harriers members that provides $20 off their entry when signing up to the 42k and 25k events. The VIP code is RTBTHACVIP which is valid until March 22nd. Use this link: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/76808/run-tarra-bulga-2024
There are always so many different events happening, around the state and interstate, which sees Harriers members out there smashing PBs, challenging themselves, entering for the adventure, the experience, or with friends. Remember to get your articles into the newsletter.
The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]
A reminder to all members to check the duty roster and make sure you’re either at your allocated Thursday duty run, or you organise to swap with someone. The duty roster is a fair system, and means most members only have to do one duty in a season, whilst course markers may do two courses, and some may not do any duty weeks due to the amount of members we have. It’s luck of the draw. Bottom line, please make sure you do your Thursday rostered duty, because if you just don’t show up, or organise someone else, it falls to someone else to have to step in at the last moment. Not only is this unfair, it’s also disruptive and quite frankly, inconsiderate. Sometimes things happen in life that disrupts our plans, but it’s not difficult to plan ahead, and make a quick call if things do go sideways. The club (which actually means other members and committee) does a lot for members, so the least general members can do is fulfil their allocated duty once or twice a year. Note that the vast majority do this without any problems, and this is more a reminder for all.
The new Winter Season Roster and Run Calendar will be out next week, and we’re looking for course markers to fill the Thursday run slots. Please see Andrew Legge if you’d like to mark a course.
The Latrobe Community Fun Run is on Sunday March 24th at Kernot Hall. That’s only 2 weeks away. If you haven’t entered yet, do it now. Note Harriers as your sports club, or enter with your workplace or school team. Please make sure you support and promote this event, as it’s an important one on the Harriers calendar. This year marks the 26th running of the CFR, and our club events rely on members bringing their friends along, and introducing them to this great event and club.
First-time Race Directors Trent Kooyman and Clinton Jolly are doing a fantastic job organising, and are both putting in lots of time to ensure it’s a successful event. Entry is open via Harriers website. There are over $6000 in spot prizes, but you have to be in it to win.
Legge has also been working at putting together the run schedule for weekend events. We’re looking for RDs for weekend events. If you’re interested or think you could manage a small event (with support), please have a chat to a committee member. This is something that can be done as a team, so it doesn’t have to be just one person shouldering the job.
IMPORTANT Harriers Dates
14 March Committee Meeting TONIGHT
24 March 2024 the 26th Community Fun Run Morwell
2 June 2024 the 57th Traralgon Marathon
Tuesday Group track sessions continue to grow, and I believe this has also been the case for T-Squad training on Saturdays. These additions to Harriers are another opportunity for members to join together and do something a bit different, with the support of a group. A common comment I hear is that “You wouldn’t do this type of training by yourself, and it’s much easier in a group to push yourself”. Both these groups are fun, a solid hit out, and provide excellent social networks. Thanks to all those who plan and organise these groups, at no cost to participants.
Thought for the week:
Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you’ll look back and realise they were the big things!
Phill Mayer – President