July 17th, 2024 President’s Note 17/7/2024

The club’s Mid-Year Presentation Night is on this Saturday, July 20th, at Morwell Bowls Club. Committee member Sep Marino has put in a lot of time and effort to organising a great social night for members, so make sure you support the evening which includes cheering for those who have earned awards for the summer 2023/24 season, drinks, food and social activities.

Register now at https://bit.ly/harriersmidyear2024 

These Harriers events are not to be missed, and all members are encouraged to come and enjoy the social aspect of the club, whilst rewarding members who have shown improvements and consistency.


Our Wirilda Run is on the 28th July. This is always a fantastic day for runners, although very challenging. The grueling long event, the 10k and the team relay are all being run. Event RD Desley Gray will need a few hands on the day, so please volunteer. This is another free run for club members, but it’s also open to the public. See the flyer in this newsletter for details.


If you’ve ever considered stepping up to be a Race Director, now is the time to accept the challenge. It’s a rewarding job, and taking on one of the smaller events is a great way to cut your teeth, while being supported to be successful. It’s like anything in life, the first time is always a little nerve-wracking, but once you overcome this hurdle, you’ll see its well worth the effort for the club, members, runners and yourself. And remember, events don’t happen without someone doing the planning and organising.


Quite a few members have been asking about club running singlets, and we have done an order, which we’re just waiting on delivery. Like everything in life, there has been a price increase, with each unit costing the club $55, which will be the cost to non-members. Continuing the policy of supporting and giving back to members, the cost to members will be $40, which is a great subsidized rate, and yet another benefit of membership.


If you have a look at the cost of membership (for example, $110 for Recreational Members), among many other benefits, you receive a reflective vest ($70 value), Xmas top ($45), free entry to most club events, monthly dinners (drink vouchers), 2 annual club presentations (catering, drinks), and discount on club running top ($15), I think it would be fair to say you get great value for money if that’s what you’re assessing. But the biggest benefit of membership is the association with great people, the development of social networks, friendships and interactions.


There have been some great stories in recent newsletters about member’s individual achievements and adventures in running outside the club. Keep them coming because we all love reading about member’s running adventures. Your stories are interesting, entertaining and inspirational, so please take the time to write and get your articles into the newsletter. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s engaging, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Shoot your articles, thoughts, photos, and running snippets through to Glenn Crawford at [email protected]


IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

20 July Presentation Night for summer 2023/24 season THIS SATURDAY - RSVP

28 July Harriers Wirilda Run (RD Desley Gray)

22 Sept Vic Teacher’s Games Cross Country (Volunteers Please)

Date TBC Boolarra (RDs Kaye Livingstone & Molly Irvine)

Date TBC Memorial Run (RD Phill Mayer)

Date TBC King & Queen of the Mountain (RD Ron Verschuur)


Thought for the fortnight:
"Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it!"


Phill Mayer
Traralgon Harriers Athletic Club


Duty Roster Winter 2024

REMEMBER: If you can’t fulfil your allocated duty, the onus is on you to swap with someone.


18 Mark Fairbairn & Gary Fox

25 Glenn Graham & Bjorn Luxmann


1 Chesney Podmore & Andrew Panayiotou

8 Samantha Riddle & Michelle Sawyer

15 Adrian Sutcliffe & Jason Odlum

22 Paul Rollandin & Angeline Snell

29 Paul Smith & Marieka Reilly


5 Adam Riddle & Shay Lorenz

12 Samantha McGown & Jay McGown

19 Ann Maloney & Anthony Magaldi

26 Catherine Leonard & Karen Graham


3 Geoff Francis & Lea Francis