June 20th, 2024 President’s Note 20/6/2024

It’s hard to believe that another 12 months have passed us by, and the current committee is almost at the end of its time. We’ve had such a productive and positive year, and all committee members have added value to the club with their contributions of time, skills, energy and ideas.


The AGM is next week (27 June) and that means it’s time for all members to consider stepping onto committee, to be a part of the decision making process for the next 12 months. All members play a vital part in the health and functionality of the club, and being on committee is an opportunity to formalise your input, helping to make the club the best it can be for all members.


Being on Harriers committee is rewarding, fun, and helps to ensure a good representation of members, ideas and a sharing of the work-load. As a general committee member, it’s ideal if you can commit to at least 2 years, so you can really get your head around the workings of the club, and the requirements, as well as making some valuable contributions. The demands are not too heavy when shared, and we’ve seen some fantastic inputs from our current members, especially those relatively new to the club.


Our Mid-year Presentation Night also approaches, and Giuseppe Marino is working on the planning of the event, which will be held at Morwell Bowls Club on Saturday July 20th (note date and venue change) and will include presentations for the summer 2023/24 season, drinks, food and some fun games. Harriers events are not to be missed and all members are encouraged to come and enjoy the social evening, whilst rewarding members who have shown improvements and consistency. Please register at https://bit.ly/harriersmidyear20204


The club’s Wirilda Run is on 28th July, and this year Desley Gray is stepping into the RD role. She’s obviously caught the RD bug (or is a glutton for punishment). She is being guided by Miles and Greg who have been RDs for this event for the last 4 years. Des will need a few hands on the day, so please volunteer. This is another free run for club members, but also open to the public.


On the note of Race Directors; it’s important to share the load and not leave it to the same people to organise our events. I’d love to see some new people stepping up to a smaller club level event, and rest assured you’ll be supported.


I attended Gippsland Rotary Centenary House recently, and along with co-race director Clinton Jolly (Trent Kooyman was unfortunately absent), handed over a donation cheque for $2700 from the 2024 CFR, on behalf of the club and members. Our support of GRCH is valued by the organisation, and is an essential part in supporting their operations, which relies completely on donations and fundraising from the community, receiving no government support. The Harriers association with GRCH has seen donations in excess of $30,000 since 2017, which is another thing our club can be proud of.


Remember to get your articles into the newsletter. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Shoot your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glenn Crawford at [email protected]


IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

20 June Committee Meeting – Last meeting of the current committee TONIGHT

27 June AGM All Members Invited NEXT WEEK

20 July Presentation Night for summer 2023/24 season

28 July Harriers Wirilda Run

22 Sept Vic Teacher’s Games Cross Country


Reminder - we still have some past members who are yet to renew their annual subs. Please jump on this week if you haven’t renewed as yet. Go to the club website and click the button which takes you directly to AV’s Revolutionise Sport site.


Thought for the fortnight: The strength of the club comes from each individual member - The strength of each member is the club!


Phill Mayer – President