May 23rd, 2024 President's Note 23/5/2024

Above: Harriers at this year's Mother's Day Classic.

New club sponsor, Momentum Physio and Rehab Group, will being introducing themselves at this week's Thursday run (23 May) with a brief presentation after the run, in the club rooms. Make sure you stick around for 15 minutes to support a business that is supporting us.


Keep a watch out for the group changes each week. Part of the beauty of our new system is that its responsive and immediate, making sure runners are running in their correctly handicapped group. The system also allocates points for the season championship, with special points to those who mark courses and do duty.


Membership continues to grow, but we still have a few stragglers who are yet to renew their annual subs. Please jump on this week if you haven’t renewed as yet. Go to the club website and click the button which takes you directly to AV’s Revolutionise Sport site.


Our Committee Meeting last week was as useful and positive as always, with a number of items on the agenda. Of course the preparations for the Marathon were the main focus, and as always, there are a few things to do last minute, and there are the inevitable issues that pop up that need to be solved.


Desley has done a fantastic job as first-time RD for the event. Please volunteer to help out. If you’re running or not, there are jobs that need doing, and Des will be more than appreciative.


Another important discussion at the meeting was succession planning, focusing on a smooth transition to a new executive. It is traditionally difficult to get people to step up and take positions which require time, dedication and leadership, which is absolutely understandable for various reasons. I believe my time in the President role has been productive, and has set the club up well for the future, providing a solid foundation.


To that aim, and after many conversations with members, the executive team and general committee, I declared that I would run for President for one more year, with Legge running as VP and Ann running for Treasurer (if the club wants us of course), with the understanding that we have quality people ready to step up and take over in 2025, after a year of mentoring.


Committee members Sep Marino and Desley Gray will be shadowing us for the next 12 months, with a view to stepping up to the President and VP roles. This gives the club a clear vision for the future, with some consistency, experience and positive energy.


Of course, this is all dependant on you, the members, agreeing, approving and voting. It is your club, and you get the vote at the AGM.


Everyone please check and note in your calendar, the updated Winter Season Duty Roster. If you can’t do your allocated duty, it’s up to you to swap with someone or get a fill-in.


Duty should arrive by 5:30 to ensure you sign everyone in before the take to the course. The idea is to make duty fun, it’s not a chore. It’s a great way to get to know other members and put names to faces. (NB: If you’re on duty, you can run early, do the course and put in your time). Those who do duty or course marking get bonus points in the club championship each season.


*COMPLETE Duty Roster Winter 2024

REMEMBER: If you can’t fulfil your allocated duty, the onus is on you to swap with someone.


4 Kylee Earl & Kristine Sapkin

11  Luke Witham & Krissi Creighton

18 Kylie Warner & Ella Warner

25 ANZAC Peter Fairbairn & Sav Mavrofridis


2 Ian Cornthwaite & Owen Notting

9 Shane Gavin & Stacey Podmore

16 Nicholas Telerico & Dave Mann

23 Linda Jones & Timothy Graham

30 Claire Macumber & Meg Macumber


6 Ryan McLeod & Megan Scott

13 Fiona Syme & Des Dalton

20 Collette Hofmann & Ron Verschuur

27 Angelo Gaudiano & Kathleen Kent


4 Michelle Colwell & Kathy Quinn

11 Darrel Cross & Mandy Ellis

18 Mark Fairbairn & Gary Fox

25 Glenn Graham & Bjorn Luxmann


1 Chesney Podmore & Andrew Panayiotou

8 Samantha Riddle & Michelle Sawyer

15 Adrian Sutcliffe & Jason Odlum

22 Sally Theobald & Angeline Snell

29 Paul Smith & Marieka Reilly


5 Adam Riddle & Shay Lorenz

12 Samantha McGown & Jay McGown

19 Ann Maloney & Anthony Magaldi

26 Catherine Leonard & Karen Graham


3 Geoff Francis & Lea Francis


Remember to get your articles into the newsletter. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Shoot your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glenn Crawford at [email protected]


*IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

23 May Quick Presentation on Injury Management by Momentum Physio TONIGHT

2 June 2024 the 57th Traralgon Marathon

20 June Committee Meeting – Last General Meeting of the current committee

27 June AGM All Members Welcome

28 July Harriers Wirilda Run

22 Sept Vic Teacher’s Games Cross Country


The Club’s AV team continues to have some wonderful results and I commend all the team for their efforts in representing the club. Huge cudos to Greg, Callie and Miles for creating a really positive and supportive, inclusive atmosphere. Keep up the great work team.


Last weekend of course was Mother’s Day, and I had the privilege of running the Mother’s Day Classic locally with daughter Kate, which included seeing a lot of Harriers out in pink, supporting this wonderful cause. The event was organised by Gippsland Road Runners this year, and they did a wonderful job.


Thought for the fortnight: It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop!


Phill Mayer – President