August 28th, 2024 President’s Note 28/08/2024

Above: Club President Phill Mayer and daughter Kate Mayer at Churchill parkrun.

This Thursday is the first committee meeting of the newly elected representatives of the club, and there is a lot on the agenda. I aim to make this another productive year, and sure up some club processes, continuing to build upon the work we’ve done to make the club a better organisation, over the last 5 years.


I strongly believe that the mission of any executive should be to make their organisation a better place than when they were installed, to leave it in a stronger position on all fronts, and leave a solid foundation for those next charged with having the honour to lead.


To that ends, there is no doubt that the work that has been done by all who have been on committee over the last five years, has strengthened the club, and ensured a platform of success going forward. But the work is never done, there are always things we can do better, things we can improve, ways to adapt to change, and manners in which we can embrace the future whilst acknowledging history.


This club is built on the vision, time and skills of many over our 57 year history, and we we’re constantly growing, changing and adapting, whilst maintaining our core “business” of running. It is true that we’re no longer just a running club, because people can run any time, by themselves, at their own convenience, so a club must offer a point of difference, something extra, something we can’t get running by ourselves.


That thing is a community. Support, friendships, the opportunity to partake in events, and to create some fun, memorable moments. These are key essential elements to creating an environment people want to be a part of.


I hold this committee to continuing to develop these aspects over the next 12 months, along with the practicalities and mandatory governance aspects required in operating a successful organisation. The 2024/25 Harriers committee profile has talent, dedication, thoughtfulness and the preparedness for collaborative effort, which will ensure another fantastic year for all members.


We’ll hit the ground running. Remember, if you, as a member of the club, have any ideas, suggestions, or constructive feedback, please share these in a considerate manner with a committee member, so they can table it at a meeting.


Also remember, that ideas and suggestions take time, energy and people to actually enact them, so you may have a great idea, but you might need to step up and help action it to make it happen.


We only have 6 more winter season runs left, and the weather is definitely getting nicer, and days longer. This time of the year is prime for running; not too hot, not too cold.


We have 3 big club weekend events coming up, with The Memorial Run (20 Oct), Boolarra (10 Nov) and King & Queen of the Mountain (1 Dec). Make sure you put the dates in you diary. These events offer members, friends, and the wider community, different opportunities, environments and surfaces to run on, and are always wonderful experiences.


Our Newborough Track night is also fast approaching, and it would be fantastic to have a huge showing on the night. Some people find the track intimidating, or challenging, or maybe even boring (going around 12.5 times), however these are battles to overcome, and indeed embrace. There is nowhere to hide on the track, and it is an opportunity to test yourself, to aim for a PB, and to see the amazing support members have for each other on display. If you haven’t done the track for a while, or perhaps since you were in school, come and give it a go. The night is designed to cater to everyone, from our walkers group through to our top tier runners, and everyone in between.


Our new club running singlets have arrived and are available to purchase, with all sizes in stock. If you want a singlet, please see or message Ann Bomers. Singlets cost the club $55 each (which is the cost to non-members). Continuing the policy of supporting and giving back to members, the cost to members is $40, which is a great subsidized rate, and yet another benefit of membership.


There are always so many things going on in our lives, not just running related of course. Everyone has a story, trials and tribulations they are going through. Members love hearing about each other’s achievements and adventures in running outside the club. Make sure you submit your stories, even if they’re just brief. It’s not just about beating your own drum; your stories are interesting, entertaining and you never know who you’ll be inspiring, so take the time to write and get your articles into the newsletter.


The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s engaging and informative, so don’t be shy to share. The editing team, led by Glenn Crawford, spend a lot of time and care putting the NL together, so shoot your articles, thoughts, photos, and running snippets through to [email protected]


I attended Churchill parkrun last weekend. I rarely get to parkrun for numerous reasons, the main ones being it’s too early for me after working late, or I’m away touring, but I do always enjoy catching up with parkrun friends and the community when I can make it. There was some initial resistance by the club when parkrun was first being set up, with some members thinking it might kill the club, or take members away, but I supported the introduction, and along with then club President Will Hanrahan, we helped to support and establish parkrun in our community, seeing it as complimentary to the club, and that there was space for both. Indeed, I’d say that has been proven correct, with many Harriers starting out at parkrun before joining the club.


IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

29 August Committee Meeting TONIGHT

22 Sept Vic Teacher’s Games Cross Country (Volunteers Please)

10 Oct Newborough Track Night

20 Oct Memorial Run (RD Phill Mayer)

10 Nov Boolarra (RDs Kaye Livingstone & Molly Irvine)

1 Dec King & Queen of the Mountain (RD Ron Verschuur)


Thought for the fortnight: Every time you put your running gear on and get out the door to join your Harriers friends for a run, is time well-spent!


Phill Mayer – President



Duty Roster Winter 2024

REMEMBER: If you can’t fulfil your allocated duty, the onus is on you to swap with someone.


4 Kylee Earl & Kristine Sapkin

11  Luke Witham & Krissi Creighton

18 Kylie Warner & Ella Warner

25 ANZAC Peter Fairbairn & Sav Mavrofridis


2 Ian Cornthwaite & Owen Notting

9 Shane Gavin & Stacey Podmore

16 Nicholas Telerico & Dave Mann

23 Linda Jones & Timothy Graham

30 Claire Macumber & Meg Macumber


6 Ryan McLeod & Megan Scott

13 Fiona Syme & Des Dalton

20 Collette Hofmann & Ron Verschuur

27 Angelo Gaudiano & Kathleen Kent


4 Michelle Colwell & Kathy Quinn

11 Darrel Cross & Mandy Ellis

18 Mark Fairbairn & Gary Fox

25 Glenn Graham & Bjorn Luxmann


1 Chesney Podmore & Andrew Panayiotou

8 Samantha Riddle & Michelle Sawyer

15 Adrian Sutcliffe & Jason Odlum

22 Paul Rollandin & Angeline Snell

29 Paul Smith & Marieka Reilly


5 Adam Riddle & Shay Lorenz

12 Samantha McGown & Jay McGown

19 Ann Maloney & Anthony Magaldi

26 Catherine Leonard & Karen Graham


3 Geoff Francis & Lea Francis