The club’s 4th annual Trivia Night two weeks ago was great fun, and the competition between teams was spirited but also supportive. Numbers were good but a little down on the last couple of years, which is something to think about going forward, especially when the venue is only open exclusively for the club.
The final points were exceptionally close between the first 5 teams with only 6 points separating them. Thank you again to De Grandi’s Winery for hosting our club event.
Last week’s run was a hot one, and tested the dedication of members, but we still had a solid turnout for the challenging 6k Clarke’s Road. I’ve been asked a couple of times about the club’s “heat policy”, so I thought I’d include the section from the Club By-Laws. I also ask members to make their own calls on whether to attend a Thursday run, dependent upon and informed by your own situations and tolerances to weather.
Unfavourable Weather Conditions
Where participants, officials or spectators safety is considered at risk, event(s) may be cancelled or suspended. Conditions which might cause events to be cancelled, suspended or modified include (but are not limited to): Continuous or heavy rain, Flooding, Fog, Snow, Strong Winds, Thunderstorm, Lightning, Heat (above 32), etc. It is recognised that conditions, duration, impact, etc., may vary from venue to venue or course to course and a prescriptive policy is not proposed. T.H.Inc encourages decision makers to apply the principle of safety first, while also looking to minimise any inconvenience caused to travelling participants. Common sense will apply at all times and athletes and other participants should always be conscious of the likelihood of unfavourable weather impacting events. The decision to cancel, suspend or modify events will be at the discretion of the Event Director (Course Marker) with an Executive Committee member. Decisions should be made and communicated at the earliest possible opportunity.
Our friends at the LV Tri Club have been running a Duathalon Series, with a strong Harriers contingent turning up to try something a little different, either with a bike or swim leg, added to a run. They continue for another couple of weeks on a Wednesday night at Traralgon pool.
Last weekend saw the Maffra Triathlon run by the Riviera Tri Club, again with a solid representation by Harriers, including Molly Irvine winning the Open Women’s race, Dempsy Podmore taking the honours in the Under 16 event, and Lizzie Kenney winning her female division. Geoff Francis came 3rd in the over 50’s Men, the Syme Family took out 3rd in the family teams, and it was generally a great day for everyone who competed.
Wearing the Big T, my team of Glenn Crawford and first-timer in the tri Desley Grey enjoyed the team event, cheering each other and all the Harriers on. The event is well-organised and had over 200 participants, so it’s well-worth considering entering next year if you’re looking to try a tri that’s supportive and local.
There are so many different events happening, with Harriers members out there smashing PBs, challenging themselves, entering for the adventure, the experience, or with friends. Remember to get your articles into the newsletter. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]
A reminder to all members to check the duty roster and make sure you’re either at your allocated Thursday duty run, or you organise to swap with someone. The duty roster is a fair system, and means most members only have to do one duty in a season, whilst course markers may do two courses, and some may not do any duty weeks due to the amount of members we have. It’s luck of the draw. Bottom line, please make sure you do your Thursday rostered duty, because if you just don’t show up, or organise someone else, it falls to someone else to have to step in at the last moment. Not only is this unfair, it’s also disruptive and quite frankly, inconsiderate. Sometimes things happen in life that disrupts our plans, but it’s not difficult to plan ahead, and make a quick call if things do go sideways. The club (which actually means other members and committee) does a lot for members, so the least general members can do is fulfil their allocated duty once or twice a year. Note that the vast majority do this without any problems, and this is more a reminder for all.
On Thursday March 7th we’ll be running to acknowledge International Women’s Day (which is actually on March 8th). Our female committee members will be leading this, led by Kate Mayer with Molly Irvine and supported by Desley Grey, Marika Reilly, Danelle Wright, Kaye Livingstone and Ann Bomers. We’re asking everyone to wear purple if you can (the official colours of IWD). There will be a few thought-provoking activities to acknowledge the amazing contribution women make to our community, society and of course our club.
As mentioned previously, we recently did an audit with Gippsport to assess our engagement of women in the club, and as was hoped and expected, we came out with flying colours. It is really important to continue to develop our engagement and inclusion processes, and this is an ongoing mission. Raising awareness in the community for all the issues involving half our population, is essential.
The Latrobe Community Fun Run is on Sunday March 24th at Kernot Hall. Make sure you enter early, and note Harriers as your sports club, or enter with your workplace or school team. Please make sure you support and promote this event, as it’s an important one on the Harriers calendar. This year marks the 26th running of the CFR, which was first organised by club member Belinda Issell Heafield, and has been run all over the Valley, including Moe, Traralgon and Morwell. Our club events rely on members bringing their friends along, and introducing them to something which we all love.
Our new Race Directors Trent Kooyman and Clinton Jolly are doing a fantastic job organising, and are both putting in lots of time to ensure it’s a successful event. Entry is open via Harriers website. If you have any contacts for spot prizes, please let Trent know.
Hopefully you’ve all been handing out fliers and promoting. We’re also looking for a team to do some promotions at schools, clubs and businesses, to build the team entries. None of these jobs are difficult, just take a little time, and they help to share the load and ensure the club runs a fantastic event. If you have any ideas to contribute, Trent and Clinton would love to hear from you.
Legge and our RDs are working at putting together the Winter Season run schedule. We’ll be looking for course markers and RDs for weekend events. If you’re interested in helping out marking a course, or think you could manage a small event (with support), please have a chat to a committee member.
IMPORTANT Harriers Dates
7 March International Women’s Day Run (wear purple)
14 March Committee Meeting
24 March 2024 the 26th Community Fun Run Morwell
2 June 2024 the 57th Traralgon Marathon
Attendance at Tuesday Group track sessions since the start of the year has been huge, and I believe this has also been the case for T-Squad training on Saturdays. These additions to Harriers are another opportunity for members to join together and do something a bit different, with the support of a group. A common comment I hear is that “You wouldn’t do this type of training by yourself, and it’s much easier in a group to push yourself”. Both these groups are fun, a solid hit out, and provide excellent social networks. Thanks to all those who plan and organise these groups, at no cost to members (and friends).
Thought for the week: Speak to everyone with the same level of consideration and respect. University professor, waiter, cleaner, librarian, garbage collector, doctor, treat them all the same, until they give you a reason to treat them differently.
Phill Mayer – President