November 30th, 2023 President's Note 30/11/2023

This Sunday is the King and Queen of the Mountain. Entry is from 7:30am and the race kicks off at 8:30am. The 30k trek from Traralgon South, up to the top of Mount Tassie, is an excellent run, very challenging and rewarding. The feature event is of course running it solo, but if that seems too daunting, there is a team relay option (teams of 5 which must be made up of male and female team members).


This is another free event for Harriers members. See the flier in this NL for all the details you need to know. Come and support first-time Race Director Ron Verschuur, who has put in a “mountain” of work to ensure the club and guests have a fantastic day. Thanks in advance to all those who have volunteered to ensure the event runs smoothly.


I believe there are a few Harriers teams who have self-organised, and Greg has put together some pretty competitive and even teams from those who put up their hands to join. Teams as follows ..

Furmy, Mandy E, Courtney E, Michelle S, Ash D

Heather F, Mark F, Dempsey, Ree, Greeny

Greg, Jack M, Foxy, Callie, Seth

Glen G, Johnny R, Collette, Karen, Andrew P


Next week’s run is Toner’s Lane Morwell 5k

Duty: Catherine Leonard & Siyao Ma & Zoe Zhang. CM: Mandy Ellis.


I’m happy to announce that we have a Race Director for Community Fun Run 2024. Actually, we have co-race directors and thus double the enthusiasm! Thank you for stepping up Clinton Jolly and Trent Kooyman. These two have already been an integral part of a few events for the club, and will make a fantastic team. After 8 years at the helm, it is definitely time for me to step aside, and for a new energy to take the event forward. Clinton and Trent are wonderful supporters of the club and they will be supported to run a great event for the community.


The Traralgon Marathon 2024 still needs a Race Director. If you’re interested, please speak to me. You will be supported to ensure the club runs a fantastic event.


We’re planning the legendary Harriers Xmas Bash 2023, which will be held on Thursday 14th December. Current financial members will be free, guests (non-financial members) are $20. You will need to RSVP either by emailing Legge at [email protected] or by checking your name on the list at Thursday run. EVERYONE needs to do this so we can plan catering and drinks.

*IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

3 Dec King & Queen of the Mountain (30k Individual + Mixed Relay Teams, Mt. Tassie)

14 Dec Harriers X’Mas Bash (At the clubrooms - RSVP required)

28 Dec & 4 Jan X’Mas Break - No Harriers Thursday Runs

15 Feb 2024 Trivia Night DeGrandi’s Vineyard

24 March 2024 Community Fun Run Morwell


We’re at the 181 members mark this week, and there still a few new runners who haven’t signed up yet, but have done their 2 free intro runs. Make sure you join via the Traralgon Harriers website, and also sign up there to receive the weekly Newsletter.


It’s great to see all the members running different events all around the countryside. Congrats to all those who are knocking over their goals and smashing through those adversities to make it to the start line. It’s my hope that being part of the Harriers gives you support, encouragement, adds to your routine and above all, gives supportive friendships which make turning up to your chosen events, even more rewarding.


Remember to get your articles into the newsletter about your running adventures. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]


Thought for the week: What distinguishes those at the starting line from those on the couch, is that through running, we learn to take what the days gives us, what our body will allow us, and what our will can tolerate!


Phill Mayer – President