December 7th, 2023 President's Note 7/12/2023

This week’s Thursday run is Toner’s Lane Morwell 5k

Duty: Catherine Leonard & Siyao Ma & Zoe Zhang. CM: Mandy Ellis.

Park, start and finish at Morwell Baseball Club on Toners Lane.



We’re encouraging all runners to try and start and run with their allocated group at Thursday runs. This creates a great race-like atmosphere, and means that runners across all groups finish around the same time. That’s the main reason we have a handicap system, to see groups of similar ability runners take off together, to encourage everyone to do their best, and also hopefully have some safety in numbers, especially for newer members who may not know the courses.


Of course there always reasons why someone might not run with their group, and this is absolutely acceptable. If you’re injured, returning from injury, recovering from a big run, have been ill, or just need to get away early but still want to do the Thursday course, it is fine to run in an earlier group, or even a few minutes before your handicap group.


Congratulations to all who attended and participated in the King and Queen of the Mountain on Sunday. In particular, a huge thanks to Race Director Ron Verschuur and the amazing team of volunteers, who helped to make it another wonderful club event. In particular, special thanks go to Kaye Livingstone, Des Dalton, Bob Duljas, Rick Mann, Bruce Salisbury, Andrew Legge, Sue Stranger, Miles Verschuur, Marieka Reilly, Ann Bomers and Danelle Wright for their time and talents on the day.


The team event was very popular this year. It was hotly contested, and a genuinely great race, with only minutes separating the top few teams, but most importantly, the spirit, encouragement and sports-person-ship displayed was exceptional. Once again, the support club members show each other was on display.


Next week is the Harriers X’mas Bash!

There will be some activity stations conducted by committee members, maybe a bit of running, followed by food, drinks, presentations, a DJ and celebrations with fellow Harriers.

Remember, we need everyone to RSVP so we can cater! Current financial members are free, guests (non-financial members) are $20, payable to Treasurer Ann Bomers on the night. RSVP either by emailing Legge at [email protected] or by checking your name on the list at tonight’s run.


Tuesday this week was International Volunteer Day, and I think it’s important to acknowledge the incredible work our club’s amazing volunteers do for the club. I honour the dedication of every Traralgon Harriers volunteer - There are far too many to name and I don’t want to risk missing someone, but please know that your passion is the heartbeat of our club, on and off the tracks, trails and roads. So many people keep this club’s spirit alive, weaving a community bonded by a love of running. Together, we are more than a club. Thank you and appreciation to all volunteers, for being the force behind the Harriers!

I’m happy to announce that we have a Race Director for Community Fun Run 2024. Actually, we have co-race directors and thus double the enthusiasm – Thank you for stepping up Clinton Jolly and Trent Kooyman. These two have already been an integral part of a few events for the club, and will make a fantastic team. After 8 years at the helm, it is definitely time for me to step aside, and for a new energy to take the event forward. Clinton and Trent are wonderful members of the club and they will be supported to run a great event for the community.


The Traralgon Marathon 2024 still needs a Race Director. If you’re interested, please speak to me. You will be supported to ensure the club runs a fantastic event. We need to start some planning soon.


*IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

14 Dec Harriers X’Mas Bash (At the clubrooms - RSVP required by tonight thank you)

28 Dec & 4 Jan X’Mas Break - No Harriers Thursday Runs

15 Feb 2024 Trivia Night DeGrandi’s Vineyard

24 March 2024 Community Fun Run Morwell


Remember to get your articles into the newsletter about your running adventures. The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s interesting, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. Get your articles, thoughts and running snippets through to Glen Crawford at [email protected]


Thought for the week: Remember that each footstrike carries you forward, not backward. Every time you put on your running shoes, you’re different in some way than you were the day before!


Phill Mayer – President